More clients and a better reputation through internationally accepted accreditations
DIN EN ISO ISO/IEC 17025:2018-03 is a standard that especially refers to the needs and requirements of test and calibration laboratories. Precise requirements both on the management and on technical conditions are supposed to facilitate obtaining quality standards more easily on the internal front and communicating them better externally as well.
Implementing ISO 17025 in test and calibration laboratories and obtaining subsequent accreditations will facilitate client acquisition first thing.
Getting an accreditation is not required under the law, to be sure but of course, your organization will stand out from any competitors without any accreditations if you have one. On the other hand, an accreditation may be a prerequisite if you want to obtain orders from the state or official institutions. Often times, one won’t stand a chance of getting such assignments without an accreditation.
Accordingly, ISO 17025 also improves international client acquisition. This standard is accepted on a global scale and therefore, it is comparable on an international level, too.
A specialized standard like ISO 17025 also serves as an excellent basis of comprehensive quality management. It simplifies the continual monitoring and further development of working results for both management and the laboratory employees actually performing the job. Not just quality but also efficiency can be enhanced in this way.
Why obtaining an accreditation according to ISO 17025?
The advantages of continuous quality management in laboratories that have already been dealt with before are easily and quickly understandable to the management level, of course. However, this is naturally not necessarily the case when it comes down to the employees’ level. They might rapidly question why their professional work needs to be made more difficult now through a lot of documentation and reporting yet. Therefore, close involvement of laboratory employees and getting the practical advantages of ISO 17025 across need to be taken into account from the very beginning.
The advantages of quality management on the implementary level are in the main about the areas of traceability and transparency when it comes down to ISO 17025.
Client but also supplier interfaces will be considered more closely. Likewise, complaint management and processes regarding deficient test results will be better structured and therefore, become more efficient in practice.
Just like with so many other ISO standards, a continual improvement process, which is supposed to prevent any problems that occurred once from reoccurring in the future, is always intended.
Accordingly, monitoring mechanisms are supposed to be reinforced but general corrective and preventative measures are also supposed to become more easily integrable.
ISO 17025 Quality Management and Accreditation with PeRoBa Unternehmensberatung GmbH (Management Consultancy LLC) in Munich
For laboratories, accreditations frequently open the doors to lucrative orders from the state and from official institutions beyond the private economy. However, they also strengthen reputations and international leeway. Nonetheless, implementing a corresponding quality policy is not always that easy in laboratories. The specific and high-level internal expertise downright complicates the introduction of procedural changes at times. Aside from skills and competencies, it will likewise require plenty of experience with regard to the introduction of quality management systems and their integration in existing structures.
PeRoBa Unternehmensberatung GmbH (Management Consultancy LLC) in Munich has long-term experience with respect to quality and health management and is your reliable partner, as regards all the topics surrounding quality management and accreditation issues for test and calibration laboratories. In this area, quality management will become a profitable success factor by enabling you to demonstrate and prove decisive advantages over rivals in international competition. PeRoBa Unternehmensberatung GmbH (Management Consultancy LLC) in Munich will be happy to help you in a purposeful and targeted manner to introduce and implement internationally recognized QM systems and will accompany you on the way to obtaining an accreditation according to ISO 17025 – for long-term economic success.

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