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Quality management in health care

Optimization of the process and structure quality in hospitals, clinics and nursing homes

Quality management in health care clearly focuses on strict process and goal orientation, because deficiencies in the process and in the infrastructure almost inevitably also mean deficiencies in medical treatment and care. In addition, the complicated processes in the healthcare system with their high costs also offer huge savings potential through suitable optimization and expansion.

In contrast to quality management in manufacturing and production, the problem in the health sector is a clear definition of the current situation and the intended goal – after all, it is primarily about the health of patients. However, since they have different clinical pictures with different types and times of treatment, an analysis of the current situation and a target definition are not necessarily trivial. Likewise, even the best treatments can no longer work because, for example, a disease has already progressed too far. Conditions and goals must therefore be monitored in a correspondingly complex and suitable manner over a long period in order to obtain meaningful data in the end.

Assessment of quality management in health care

For process management and quality management in health care, it is of essential importance to record the current status and goals of treatments as precisely and in detail as possible. Because of the problems mentioned above, it makes sense to focus on fine-grained process quality and structure quality. The aim is then to obtain an improved overall process through optimized individual processes. In turn, the optimization of individual infrastructure areas – such as information technology, logistics, planning and general organization – and their interfaces are the focus of quality management.

With a QM standard focused on health care such as DIN ISO 9001: 2015, existing problems in these sensitive areas can be specifically addressed and eliminated. The patient notices this quickest, but in the end also the individual doctor, therapist or employee.

Quality management in healthcare with PeRoBa GmbH Munich

PeRoBa Unternehmensberatung München supports you comprehensively in the introduction and optimization of quality management in the healthcare sector.

Regardless of whether you are aiming for an initial certification, a new certification or the conversion of existing certificates, we will help you with the analysis and implementation of a suitable quality management system. We analyze and optimize your processes, your organization and your infrastructure. We carry out internal audits, train employees in the practical handling of quality management and help with the planning and implementation of certifications.

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