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Smart Remote Audits

Remote audit solution from PeRoBa Unternehmensberatung GmbH

The iVision® software of PeRoBa Unternehmensberatung (Management Consultancy) GmbH (LLC) from Munich makes it possible to perform the entire auditing process – which means more than just the use of an existing communication software – from afar.

Audits are continually on the rise within companies, and that entails higher efforts on the part of coworkers and auditors, and it also leads to additional costs. Dr. Roland Scherb from Baldham near Munich has developed an innovative solution together with his management consultancy, PeRoBa in order to make sure that auditing processes will remain as easy and inexpensive as possible.

Remote Audit publication:

Target group:

The auditing topic is becoming more and more important both for auditees and audit initiators. That is also due to legal and regulatory requirements, among other things.

The requirements based on different standards constitute supplements to that. They are mainly based on DIN EN ISO 9001:2015, which gets relatively quickly supplemented by IATF/16949 right up to 14001:2015 on environmental protection.

Remote auditing solutions may very well gain more significance, especially when it comes down to the areas of safety, security, and data privacy, for instance pursuant to ISO 27001.

The target group for remote audits is varied. There are different possibilities and scenarios for actually applying them. Often times, the expression “auditing tourism” gets used at the premises of suppliers, which means that audits are taking place almost weekly over there. Efforts at suppliers’ premises can be significantly reduced through remote audits.

They will also provide assistance when, for instance, a specialist needs to participate during part of an audit. In this manner, the entire traveling time to the auditing location and back can be saved, and complete participation in the audit is no longer necessary either, which entails further savings.

Remote audits may also be used during customary control audits, and the expenditure of time is not as intense as during a complete audit either, especially due to the traveling time saved.

Remote audits based on the iVision® software can be used in all the aforementioned cases, and they may be utilized in plenty of sectors and industries as well. At present, the main clients hail from the automotive & industrial sectors, from logistics & transportation, pharma & medicine as well as from skilled crafts and trades as well as from services. The software is excellently suitable for small and medium-sized companies in particular. It can be used on all commercially available smartphones and tablets. In areas where the parties to be audited need both hands, e.g. in manufacturing and logistics, the iVision® software may be utilized with the aid of data glasses.

Whitepaper Remote Audit:

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iVision® Remote Audit is a software solution for performing audits pursuant to DIN EN ISO 19011. It may be integrated in existing IT landscapes via smartphone / tablet cameras.

iVision Audit is a remote auditing solution that makes for a new basis for conducting audits.  The auditor or the specialist performs the audit on their computer at the location where they are based. It needs to be agreed in advance whether a co-auditor is used on-site or if the auditee deploys an employee as a co-auditor.

Because of the smartphone the co-auditor is wearing, the auditor can likewise hear and see what the co-auditor is hearing and seeing. As a supplement to that, evidence may be created, allocated and matched accordingly based on a checklist that has been uploaded beforehand, and the auditor can give additional information or instructions to the co-auditor.

Auditing evidence may be documented through image and / or video as well as text so that it can be documented in the auditing report afterward. The assessment by the auditor will either take place right away or in the aftermath together with the report creation.

Of course, a respective role and user conception has been put in place for several clients / auditors. Deployment of the software is also feasible while completing utilizing the client’s IT. Data is transmitted and stored in an encrypted manner right up to the optional supplementation of an automated report creation. Following the standard the audit is based on, the system may also be evaluated as another optional functionality. 

The coverage ratio of the auditing scope is taken as the basis for that and assessed in an automated manner based on the evaluation.  

The BVMW online event on April 15, 2021

Dr. Roland Scherb, who is a long-term auditor and the managing director of PeRoBa Unternehmensberatung (Management Consultancy) GmbH (LLC), will show the requirements remote audits necessitate as well as the advantages they can generate based on a practical example.

He will also very clearly demonstrate the limits of the possibilities for their utilization and the accompanying risks, though. After an interesting talk lasting 30 minutes, Dr. Scherb will be around for answering your questions for 15 more minutes.

The BVMW online event is free of charge and addressed to all interested parties.

for a webinar in english please contact us!

Winning factors for the user:

The upvaluation of the audit plan provides an opportunity. The remote audit must be included under the audit plan and provide alternatives right up to a fallback plan in case of any problems and malfunctions.

Furthermore, the utilization of such new technologies brings decisive advantages in terms of time and costs. According to internal studies, clients can lower their costs for a single audit by 60 percent on average through the remote auditing software. The associated reduction of the impact on the environment, meaning the improvement of the eco-balance and the carbon footprint, are correlating positive scale effects.

The remote audit provides auditors who are supposed to conduct audits within crisis areas, be they affected by war, terrorism, or pandemics, likewise with significant opportunities. The flexibility that goes together with performing remote audits may prove advantageous, too. Remote audits will also entail the option of unplanned or unannounced audits if, for example, the authorities have imposed new requirements since they make it possible to check in a live manner and real time whether someone has reliably implemented their directives or not, contrarily to a traditional audit with a certain waiting period during which the auditee might take certain preparations accordingly in order to pass the audit successfully!

About PeRoBa:

PeRoBa Unternehmensberatung (Management Consultancy) GmbH (LLC) is one of the globally leading impulse generators in the quality management department. Its origins already date back to 1991. The registered office of the company has been in Baldham since 2011, and there is a branch office in Munich, Prinzregentenstraße as well. PeRoBa Unternehmensberatung (Management Consultancy) provides high-quality consulting, tests, checks, assessments, and evaluations in order to support clients in introducing and implementing their management systems. Besides, it offers audits, QM training, seminars, and workshops.

iVision® – Smart Remote Audit Solution, its innovative in-house software had been in the market since January 2016, and it was replaced by an enhanced version at the beginning of 2021. Company founder and owner Dr. Roland Scherb cooperates closely with universities and research institutions. Additionally, he is a lecturer and works as a speaker with the TÜV-Süd Akademie. Likewise, he is an author on the issue of remote audits. 

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