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VDA 6.3 Auditors for optimized processes

Quality management

VDA 6.3 auditors for optimized processes

VDA 6.3 is nowadays a globally recognized standard for monitoring and auditing processes in the automotive branch. The third and revised version of VDA 6.3, which is available today, emphasizes especially the practicability of all the requirements it defines. That doesn’t just improve its applicability in general but it enables also internal or external VDA 6.3 auditors to better monitor processes. Process audits according to VDA 6.3 monitor product creation, serial production and service processes as well as their performance.

As the new standard has spread extremely fast and it is still undergoing further development, it is more important than ever nowadays to have a VDA 6.3 auditor control your company and the processes there and thus, to keep them up-to-date. Especially faced with the ever increasing competitive situation among automotive suppliers, the quality of your own processes, products and services is going to be the decisive factor for who can close lucrative contracts and therefore, also stand their ground in the market in the long run.

The necessity of a VDA 6.3 auditor

An external VDA 6.3 auditor focuses in a targeted manner on helping to identify and remedy problems over the course of the supply chain. He or she is from the “tunnel vision” of internal quality managers and that’s why he or she can better analyze shortcomings and risk factors and optimize your processes in general. Experienced auditors can help with internal and external audits and accompany you safely on your way to successfully obtaining your certification.

PeRoBa® VDA 6.3 auditors

The process audits we perform in our capacity as VDA 6.3 auditors are very individually geared to the given aims of your company and your processes. We won’t upset the apple cart in order to implement our understanding of quality management but we will always check if and how processes at your company are suitable for achieving your individual objectives in the quality management department.

As certified VDA 6.3 auditors, we offer trainings and seminars on the issue in order to train your coworkers with regard to handling quality management in the long run as well.

VDA 6.3 Zertifikat

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