Non-binding discussion

X-Mas 2023

The end of the year is the perfect time to reflect on what has been achieved while simultaneously looking ahead to the future. For companies striving for sustainable development and agility, the Quality Management System (QMS) plays a crucial role. In this article, we would like to highlight seven key points that companies should consider on their path to an agile and future-proof QMS.


People are at the core

A QMS should be more than just a collection of rules and processes. It should place people at the heart of the organization. The key to success lies in transforming those affected into active participants and focusing on the added value the QMS brings to them. A holistic implementation, especially in the form of an Integrated Management System (IMS), provides the opportunity to consider essential influencing factors and ensure that involvement is sustainable.


  1. Transparency

Transparency is a central component of an effective QMS. Companies should structure their processes and documentation in accordance with our “3-2-1 rule” to promote clarity and understanding. Utilize examples and scenarios to explain processes practically and enhance the training and information of those involved.

  1. Automation

Automating standard processes can increase efficiency. However, it is crucial to consider the impact and, if necessary, conduct a risk assessment beforehand to avoid undesirable consequences.

  1. Scalability

An agile QMS should be flexible enough to keep pace with future increases and adjustments in customer requirements. Maintaining control over the QMS is essential, even during periods of growth.

  1. Agility

The ability to adapt to changes is vital in today’s fast-paced business environment. Your QMS should be capable of promptly integrating or adjusting to changes. Open and regular communication about current and future matters within your organization is imperative.

  1. Resilience

Challenges and crises are inevitable. A robust QMS can respond when the next crisis arises. This requires preparatory measures such as contingency plans and a solid training and development program for your personnel.

  1. Sustainability

Sustainability should not merely be a goal; it should also be a fundamental part of your company’s policy. Identify strengths and weaknesses concerning sustainability and utilize company resources wisely to promote sustainable practices.

Just as Christmas is the time for reflection and focusing on the essentials, may the development of your QMS lead you to keep the essentials in mind in the coming period – your customers, your team, and your sustainable growth. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a healthy, successful New Year 2024!



About PeRoBa:

PeRoBa Unternehmensberatung GmbH (PeRoBa Management Consultancy, LLC) is one of the leading impulse generators in the quality management department on a global scale. Its origins already date back to 1991. The company headquarters have been in Baldham since 2011, and there is also branch in Prinzregentenstraße, Munich. PeRoBa Unternehmensberatung (PeRoBa Management Consultancy) provides high-quality consultations, audits, and evaluations in order to support clients in introducing and implementing their management systems. On top of that, they also offer audits, QM training, seminars, and workshops.

Their innovative in-house software, the iVision® – Smart Remote Audit Solution had been on the market since January 2016 and complements our consulting portfolio.

The company’s founder and owner, Dr. Roland Scherb, PhD is an auditor, consultant, coach, and author. He is chairman of the German Federal Auditors’ Association  and an active member of the DIN e.V. working group as well as a lecturer with the TÜV-Academy.

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